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图论与组合系列学术报告第4期——The inversion number of oriented graphs

发布者: [发表时间]:2024-10-16 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

报告题目:The inversion number of oriented graphs

报告人:陆玫 教授(清华大学)


主持人:甘璐伊宁 特聘研究员

报告地点:腾讯会议 647 596 5688

摘要:For an oriented graph D, the inversion of in D is the digraph obtained from D by reversing the direction of all arcs with both ends in X. The inversion number of  D is the minimum number of inversions needed to transform D into an acyclic digraph. In this talk, I will give some problems and results on the inversion number. This work is joint with Haozhe Wang and Yuxuan Yang.
