报告题目:Sensitivity Analysis for Photonic Crystal Devices
报告时间:2018年10月19日 (周五)9:00-10:00
Sensitivity analysis provides valuable information about fabrication tolerance for photonic crystal (PhC) devices. It is also very useful in the optimal design process. In this talk, we will introduce an efficient method for sensitivity analysis of PhC devices in idealized 2D PhCs with circular cylinders. Our method takes advantage of the identical unit cells and the analytic solutions for circular cylindrical structures, and can be used to solve problems in very small truncated domains. In particular, our method is capable of rapidly computing the partial derivatives with respect to the parameters of many different unit cells.
胡真,河海大学理学院副教授,2004年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,2009年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学与香港城市大学联合培养博士研究生项目。目前主要从事光子结构的数学建模与数值模拟方法研究,在Opt. Express、J. Light. Technol及J. Opt. Soc. Am. B等杂志发表第一作者或通讯作者SCI论文15篇。