报告人:方哲宇 北京大学物理学院
主持人:于丽 教授
Plasmonicsdealswith the phenomena of collective vibration of electrons in the interfacebetween metallic and dielectric media. With the advanced nanofabricationtechniques, a broad variety of nanostructures can be designed and fabricatedfor plasmonic investigations at nanoscale. In thispresentation, we will demonstrateour latest results of the design ofnew plasmonic nanostructures andthecharacterization ofsurfaceplasmon nanostructures with 2D materials by usingScanningNear-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM),whichis one of the uniquecharacterization tools for nano-optical detection,and other techniques,and discuss some fundamentalproperties for both localized surface plasmons and surface plasmon polaritonsarise a new insight and understanding for the electro-optical devices, such asactive plasmonic modulator and plasmonic detectors for energy harvesting.
方哲宇,北京大学物理学院研究员,全国优博,基金委优青年,国家“国家高层次人才特殊支持计划”青年拔尖人才,主持科技部973计划课题一项。主要研究表面等离激元微纳光学回路的构筑及集成,在纳米尺度的聚焦调制、增强波导、及耦合光电探测有一定的工作积累;是石墨烯等离激元早期研究者之一,多次获邀参加国际学术大会做大会邀请报告。近年来,在Chem. Rev., Adv. Mater,Nano Lett.,ACS Nano, Nature Comm., Science Advances系列等高水平学术期刊上发表论文50余篇,引用5000余次,h因子22。相关工作被Science,Nature Physics,Nature Photonics,NPG Asia Materials,美国Chemical & Engineering News,德国Nanowerk,英国IOPNanotechweb.org等学术期刊及新闻媒体多次亮点推荐和报导。