
姓 名: 马利文 职 称:副教授 办公室:理学楼418 电子邮件:maliwen@bupt.edu.cn |
个人简介 理学博士学位,博士生导师。
研究方向 拓扑学与不确定集理论
科研项目 2022.01-2024.12主持北京市面上项目:处理大数据分类与约化的数学基础理论研究.
发表SCI检索的中国科学院分区二区以上论文14篇(其中5篇发表于大类 1 区 TOP期刊):
(1)Liwen Ma*,Two fuzzy covering rough set models and their generalizations over fuzzy lattices,Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 294 (2016) 1–17. (SCI,数学大类1区 TOP)
(2)Liwen Ma*, Important matrix computations in finite topological spaces, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 395 (2021)125808. (SCI,数学大类1区 TOP)
(3)Liwen Ma*,Classification of coverings in the finite approximation spaces,Information Sciences,2014,276 (276) 31-41. (SCI,大类 1 区 TOP)
(4)Qiang Gao, Liwen Ma*, A novel notion in rough set theory: Invariant subspaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 440 (2022) 90-111. (SCI,数学大类1区 TOP)
(5)Liwen Ma*,Some twin approximation operators on covering approximation spaces,International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,56(A)(2015) 59-70. (SCI,大类 2 区)
(6)Liwen Ma*,On Some Types of Neighborhood-related Covering rough sets,International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,53(6)(2012):901-911. (SCI,大类2区)
(7)Liwen Ma*, The investigation of covering rough sets by Boolean matrices, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 100 (2018) 69–84. (SCI,大类2区)
(8) Liwen Ma*, Hui Lu, Six-Set Approximation Theorem of neighborhood related rough sets, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 115 (2019) 180–193. (SCI,大类2区)
(9) Xue Wang, Liwen Ma*, Study on covering rough sets with topological methods, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, (2019) 1-6. (SCI,大类2区)
(10) Liwen Ma*, Couple fuzzy covering rough set models and their generalizations to CCD lattices, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 126 (2020) 48-69. (SCI,大类2区)
(11) Liwen Ma*, Characteristic numbers and approximation operators in generalized rough approximation system, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 139 (2021) 166–184. (SCI,大类2区)
(12) Huanmin Zhao, Liwen Ma*, Several Rough Set Models in Quotient Spaces, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, 7(1) (2022) 69-80. (SCI,大类2区)
(13) Liwen Ma*, Qiang. Gao, Xinyu Shi and Xinchao Zhao, Fuzzy accompanied approximation space under fuzzy relation,Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 20(3) (2023) 75-94. (SCI,大类2区)
(14) Bowen Zheng, Liwen Ma*, A Novel Fuzzy Clustering Method Based on Topological Connected Component, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 32(3) (2024) 1050-1062. (SCI,大类 1 区 TOP)
学生培养 主讲数学专业本科生主干课程“数学分析、实变函数、点集拓扑学”等,以及研究生学位课程“拓扑学”。